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Health Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health

Sep 21, 2017

Learn to cure and prevent the common cold and other common viruses fast in this episode by using simple vitamins and nutrients in higher doses.

This episode includes natural remedies for cold and viruses, homeopathic remedies for  cold and viruses, and home remedies for  cold and viruses.

Matt dives into how shitake...

Sep 13, 2017

Matt Michael discusses the end of health humor life and the beginning of the short simple health solutions podcast as he states the show will still focus on “info-tainment” and be entertaining as well as educating about health, weight loss, mind, spirit, and more. 

Today’s episode focuses on self esteem, self...

Mar 14, 2017


New Age Holistic Health - Short Simple Health Solutions Podcast


On Today's episode of the health humor l.... Oh wait! We have a new name! Find out the details of the new brand change inside this episode. This new podcast is short and sweet as it will be in the future as well. It begins with a motivational quote as...

Feb 21, 2017

Immune System Boosters, Herbal remedies, And Alternative Medicine: How Matt Prevents From Getting Sick All Winter Long + Still Getting Pounded!
Sickness and especially being sick all the time is not normal and shouldn't be the norm. Conventional medicine is good at placing a bandaid on illness while herbal...

Feb 14, 2017

Soda Pop has been a long time staple in American society. However, there is now an extravagant amount of controversial information known about sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and many other ingredients in soda pop. Can you drink this American and Worldwide staple drink and still be healthy? Should Soda Pop...