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Health Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health

Oct 13, 2018

Angel Numbers, Synchronicities, Paranormal Ghost Stories, Intergalactic Racism, Intro To Witchcraft, Portals, @ Friendly Reptilian ETs, With Zion Zeta Pt 2. + Spiritual Health: Raising Your Vibration, Releasing Fear, Perfectionism & Avoiding Spiritual Illness

In this amazing episode, I open by discussing angel numbers and Synchronicities which are often “hard to believe” tell-tale spiritual signs that you are on your soul path! We then catch up with Zion for part 2 where we discuss the “how tos” of raising your spiritual vibration to manifest your ideal life as well as intergalactic racism, witchcraft (evil or good?), reptilian ETS (Aliens), releasing fear, and perfectionism. This one’s another doozy! Enjoy! @HealthSpiritFreedom On instagram.