Feb 21, 2017
Immune System Boosters, Herbal remedies, And Alternative
Medicine: How Matt Prevents From Getting Sick All Winter Long +
Still Getting Pounded!
Sickness and especially being sick all the time is not normal
and shouldn't be the norm. Conventional medicine is good at placing
a bandaid on illness while herbal remedies, alternative medicine,
and natural immune system boosters (supplements) cure illness at
the source. In this episode, Matt describes the many ways in which
to maintain health and avoid getting sick year round no matter how
many germs are around you!
Matt explains that the key to staying healthy is working from
the inside out and maintaining a strong immune system using natural
remedies, homeopathic medicine, and alternative medicine
techniques. He discusses natural immune system boosters, flu
remedies, supplements, anti-stress techniques, alkalizing foods,
natural alternatives to the flu shot, flu shot side effects,
whether washing your hands actually helps to prevent illness, and
much more on this very informative episode of the Health Humor Life
Uncensored Podcast.
Meanwhile, it's a week later and Tyler and Matt are STILL
getting pounded! or are they? Stay tuned to learn, laugh, thrive,
and prevent yourself from getting sick with this special episode.
Learn about this alternative medicine while laughing at the subtle
Also, Check out the upcoming ebook on healthhumorlife.com in
which you can get for free for more homeopathic remedies, immune
system boosters, and more alternative medicine techniques designed
to keep you healthy and sickness free year round!
Please leave us an iTunes review if you feel informed or
entertained from this episode! We would appreciate it! : )